The absorption coefficient is often strongly wavelength - dependent.
辞典例句Therefore, at sufficiently high energies the absorption coefficient begins to increase after passing through a minimum.
因此, 在足够高的能量下,吸收系数便由最小值开始增加.
辞典例句The maximum absorption wavelength and the molar absorption coefficient of these compounds are determined.
互联网Determination of the content of Nifurstyrenate by percent absorption coefficient is a simple and acetate method.
互联网Traditional Methods : To measure absorption coefficient are standing wave tube and reverberation which have some shortcomings.
互联网The sound absorption coefficient of the material was tested by standing wave tube method.
互联网The absorption coefficient of the films reaches 4.6×104 cm - 1 and the band - gap is between 1.43 eV and 1.50 eV.
制备的CIGS多晶 薄膜在室温下的光学禁带宽度E_ g为1.43~1.50eV左右,光吸收系数达到4.6×10~4cm~( -1 ).
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